Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday at Seduction of Spirit

I promised to blog daily, but yesterday I was simply exhausted. We had a 7 am to 9 pm day. I wanted to blog after that, but my roommates and I got to chatting and I needed to chat knowing that I would wake up today, Tuesday, in silence. I will spend the next 3 days with a little tag around my neck that says "in silence". I'm not allowed to talk to anyone. It is also advisable to avoid TV, radio, reading, email, txting and writing.

I've arranged with my 10 year old daughter to call tonight and not say anything. She will ask yes and no questions and I will push a number either once or twice for yes or no. I know it sounds silly, but she and I both need to maintain a connection while I'm away and this sounded like a fun game to her...and to me. They didn't say anything about "no laughing".

I don't really understand why we go to silence or what it has to do with levitating. The word "levitation" was actually not even spoken and now I'm not so sure if that is what we are even doing. The silence is truly about "self-referral" or honoring the silent witness inside you. If you can't speak, then you are forced to simply observe yourself, your thoughts and others. Through silence, you make better choices because your senses become fine-tuned. The next 3 days were described to be "precious" and "life-changing". So far so good.

I had a great time with Dr. Chopra yesterday. He is very funny and real. We practiced the law of giving and receiving so gratitude was a big thing. Going to a place of gratitude is really a practice of letting your ego get out of the way. You can't be in your ego and in gratitude. Try it...it's impossible. Now there is nothing wrong with the ego. It's a nice part of you that gives you your personality, but sometimes it can get in the way of spirit.

The one thing Dr. Chopra said yesterday that I really liked was to forget about positive thinking. He cautioned us not to control our thoughts...to simply observe. Through meditation, you will naturally make better choices and have a better life and your thoughts will naturally become more positive. He thinks falsely cheery people are boring and annoying! Too funny.

Well, I gotta run. I got lots more to share, but beach meditation was at 6 am and yoga was at 7 am and I am still in my jammies. Session starts at 9 am today. I'm gonna walk on the beach alone in silence and then go. Today I will observe and journal and have an awesome day!

I miss my yogis and am already feeling very connected to this super consciousness which is our entire planet. Today I really do have so much gratitude for my life and for all of you. The beach is absoultely amazing and beautiful today. Shanti

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