Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The energy of Fall...take advantage!


It's that time of year again when the heated energy of the Fire (Pitta) summer starts to shift to the energy of the Wind as fall approaches. It is a natural time of change that may feel abrupt and chaotic just like the Wind. This season can come in as an opportunistic breeze or a full on hurricane if you don't plan well and take advantage of the shift. Depending on your choices, you will shift into Winter (Kapha/Earth) healthy and vibrant or not so healthy; still carrying a few extra pounds, feeling lethargic, sleeping poorly and perhaps a little down.

Plan for fall. It's time to clean your body, mind and soul of the debris you have accumulated over the summer, over the year (if you did it last year) or over a lifetime if you have never taken the time to clean yourself out.

What do we do? We establish a meditation practice. This program helps you to seal the deal on that practice. For 5 weeks, we will meet and discuss your meditation, your experiences and how you are advancing. You are held accountable by your group and by me. You will be highly motivated to force yourself to sit down in that chair each morning and do it. I don't have to go on and on about the benefits of meditation anymore. If you are watching Oprah, reading magazines or listening to the news, then you know that 90% of disease is caused by stress. Notice that I did not say by staying up late, eating cheeseburgers and sitting on your buddhi watching TV. Stress. It's so easy to manage and get rid of.

We establish a moving practice. You don't have to be able to bend yourself into a pretzel to do yoga. In fact, I highly encourage a more nourishing and gentle practice for the 5 week period. If you have been killing yourself in hot vinyasa flow for the last year, take a break! Your body (and especially your mind) can actually become quite imbalanced from hot yoga depending on your predominant element....think FIRE doesn't need more FIRE. We will walk, spend time and nature and heal our bodies without effort. That's how God intended.

We establish new nutritional habits. Some of what you are doing every single day is destroying your digestion, causing sleep disturbances and weight gain. You will learn some powerful tricks of the trade to get that Fire in your belly lit up. If you have hit that sweet spot of 40 and over and are a female, I've got some new tricks up my sleeve for you! (I had a busy summer studying, researching and being over 40 myself.)

Lastly, we do a ton of emotional work and goal setting. I've taken it to a whole new level bringing in teachings form other traditions that I am absolutely passionate about.

This series is going to be filmed. I'm in production on DVDs and a subdomain that is all educational. You will not be filmed if you choose not to be and honestly, the focus will be mostly on me anyway. I need your help to make this a huge success!!

Call me with questions. 513.315.5042 or email @ Visit to learn more CLICK HERE.

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