Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mindfulness with Jon Kabat-Zinn

The subject of meditation has been coming up a lot in the studio. I think everyone is just really stressed right now, not to mention you can't turn on the TV or open a magazine without the subject of stress-reduction and meditation coming up. I do intend to do a meditation workshop in the fall, but I don't want you guys to have to wait to start de-stressing. I've included below a list of books I love that will start your journey as well as a video link to one of my favorite meditation workshops. You can't do better than Jon Kabat-Zinn for FREE!!

"The Book of Secrets" by Dr. Chopra.

I love this book because it introduces you to the fundamentals of metaphysics in a concrete way. I think the So Hum meditation is in here. Otherwise, go to www.elementalom.com for the practice.

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Pantanjali

This is a tiny book. The intro and beginning of the book are very much about the practice of yoga. Keep in mind that yoga is founded in meditation and ends in meditation. Yoga is meditation. It is not the posturing, although in the West, we have made it about that.

Peace is in Every Step
The Miracle of Mindfulness
True Love

All the above are by Thich Nhat Hahn who is a Zen Buddhist Master. He writes beautifully and there is much overlap in his books. I threw True Love on there because it takes 1/2 hour to read and gives you the mantras for loving another. You can use the practice with friends, co-workers, strangers and lovers. It's about deep listening and understanding. I find that learning to practice mindfulness with the people around you is the easiest way to really feel the benefits of mindfulness and it will motivate you.

Full Catastrophe living - Jon Kabat Zin

When you need help:

Yoga Nidra - Dr. Richard Miller.....you don't have to read. Just throw the CD on and lie down for an hour.
The Secret Universal Mind Meditation - Kelly Howell.....again...throw the CD on and just lie down.

Do all of this alone. This is a singular journey.


  1. Hi,

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