Thursday, August 27, 2009

Doors Wide Open

We are living with our doors wide open. Unaware that we are unconsciously letting in all the spiders, ants and bugs of the world. Only later, once an infestation has manifested, do we realize that we should have been more discerning and closed our doors. By then it is too late. We must suffer through the process of extermination and replacement of destroyed possessions.

Close your doors. Close your doors to the incessant babble of the media. It's mostly bad news and if it is really important, you will hear about it. Close your doors to violent movies and idiotic TV shows. They are the seeds of your dreams and ultimately your future. Close your doors to bad relationships, to gossip, to boredom and apathy.

Practice Discernment. Choose what you will listen to, what you will watch and who you will hang out with according to whether it is improving your life or not. Assume that everything you surround yourself with is there to uplift you and to improve your life...or not. Assume that there is a huge world-wide collusion to create for you the best life ever.

Close your doors to that which no longer serves you.

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