Monday, August 10, 2009

A time to rest

Today was Monday in my Yogi world and that means I address all the "business" of having a business. Our Elemental Immersion is set to start in September and the studio gets crazy busy as we prepare to support our "detoxies". On the list is accounting, ordering herbs, reviewing the fall clothing line and marketing.

Monday's joy are my noon yogis. They have been with me the longest and I know them well. I look forward to seeing if they have had a pleasant weekend. Today the entire group was Vata imbalance. I worked hard to ground their energy and when that didn't work I turned our Hatha into a Vinyasa and wore them out. Then I grounded their energy and that worked.

More accounting in the afternoon and then home to a messy house, kids, their friends and pets. Digging into dishes and laundry I suddenly pause and notice my exhaustion. I debate the unfolded sheets, but a that little voice inside of me firmly says "STOP". I realize that if I stop when I am finished, I will never stop. I stop.

Upstairs to my pajamas. Grab a book. Lay in bed. Kids come in and roll around with me. Dogs visit. I lay there and breathe....just breathe. Exhaustion melts away. Inspiration for dinner comes. I get back to my sheets which are exactly where I left them. I notice that they are wadded up in the shape of a happy face.

Stop and give yourself the opportunity to notice how you are feeling. When you are exhausted from a long day give yourself permission to take a break. In the end, you will save time and stress by resting and returning to your tasks refreshed.

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