Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Insomnia and Ayurveda


It is estimated that 20% of the population of the United Sates or 50 to 70 million people suffer from Insomnia either chronically or temporarily. Stress, poor digestion, lack of routine and overall poor health result create sleeping disorders. Insomnia is a disorder of the Wind Element or Vata in your body and your mind

Diet and Lifestyle

Follow the Wind Reducing Body Plan

Follow the Wind Reducing Mind Plan

Go to bed at the same time each day and get up at the same time each day. For a Wind disorder such as Insomnia, it is most beneficial to go to bed by 10:00 pm and arise by 6:00 am
Exercise more vigorously during the day
Before you go to bed at night, perform some mild and gentle yoga.

Create a bedtime routine. This can be a nightly bath or simply washing your face and hands with a special scent before bedtime. Rubbing the soles of your feet with Sesame Oil before bedtime induces sound sleep.

Eat 3 meals a day around the same time each day. Do not eat within 3 hours of bedtime.

Do not watch tv or listen to music in bed. Choose something pleasant to read instead.
Clear clutter. All clothing should be put away. Keep only those items which you use regularly by your bed....book, lotion, etc. Elimate extra pillows and bedding. Replace busy patterns with white sheets and coverlets.
Burn incense of Lavendar in your room during waking hours so that your bedroom will have a beautiful healing smell at night.
Eliminate overhead lighting
Eliminate mirrors
Your room should be dark


If you wake in the middle of the night, practice a Complete breath until sleepiness returns. To practice the complete breath, simply imagine that there is a balloon in your belly and fill the baloon all the way up with air, pull the air into your lungs and let it out through your shoulders.

Herbal Therapy

Many people choose sleep aids to help them get rest. Unfortunely there are side effects to all medications, not to mention that medically induced sleep does not allow your body to receive the healing benefits of natural REM sleep.

If you currently take a sleep aid, consider substituting the following for 30 days while your body adjusts. These herbs can also be taken intermittently:

Valeriansleep aidThe Wind and The Earth
Kava Kavasleep aid The Fire
Ashwagandha adaptogen or tonic to nerves Balancing to all


Perform a daily Sesame Oil Massage.

Other Therapy

When you go to bed each night, it is a very powerful practice to witness your day. This is a simple process of laying in bed, relaxing and running through the events of the day quickly. Simply start at the beginning of your day....."I got up, I brushed my teeth, I put on my red sweater".......When you get to the part of your day where there was conflict or stress, let your body react and feel it. You will notice that your body does not have the same intense reaction as when you were in the moment. This is a clue to your brain that your body has already let the situation go and so can your mind.


Sirsasana Headstand
Sarvangasana Shoulder Stand
Paschimottanasana Seated Forward Fold
Uttanasana Standing Forward Fold
Savasana Relaxation Pose

Dhurga Breath Complete Breath
Nadi Sodhana Alternate Nostril Breathing
Suryabhedana right nostril inhales, left nostril exhale, repeat
Performing Pranayama Do not retain your breath


A meditation practice can help you manage manage stress and healing. Consider establishing a basic 10 or 20 minute practice. This is truly sacred time to be set aside for yourself to heal.

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