Friday, June 5, 2009

My Interview

I was interviewed for a magazine yesterday. Cincinnati Magazine does an article on the coolest people in the xburbs...areas outside of Cinci. I will confess that I'm totally shocked that they called me. The interview was nice. Donna, who teaches yoga at Shine in Cincinnati, interviewed me. I appreciated that she was a yogi and "talked the talk". I knew the call was coming so I had gathered thoughts and messages to convey. Donna is good at her job and cut right through all that so I was forced to just sit back and talk about myself which I find hard to do. To meet me, you would be shocked to know that I am actually quite shy and private. I keep my emotions close to myself. I don't spend time thinking about myself and my least the positive ones. I am always working on the less favorable qualities as I would like to be the best person I can be.  The article is about "cool" people.  She asked me what was "cool" about me. I had no idea. I think I mumbled something about my kids like me. It's been a day and I have had time to think about what may be perceived as "cool" about me. Here is my list.
  • I am non-judgmental. Trust me, whatever you have done in the past I have topped it somehow.
  • I can keep a secret. I don't tell your stuff. I like your stuff too. It makes you interesting.
  • I am compassionate. When you are sitting telling me how terrible things are going, I will find the bright side for you......I cry for you later when I am alone.
  • I am a good mom. Kids are just small people to me. I value their opinions and recognize they have better solutions and ideas than me sometimes. They're fun.
  • I have never met a problem I couldn't fix. Seriously....that's my personal tag line.
  • I am a good friend. I will always choose you over me. Some call that being a martyr, but I think I have perfected it to the point that I don't often feel taken advantage of. I know that I always end up with what I need, so I can let my needs go in the moment.
Other cool weird things: (needs own category)
  • I study astrology and I'm getting quite good at it.
  • I saw a woman's aura once. I was getting my nails done and looked over and she was surrounded in pink. After eavesdropping I learned that she was visiting the pope. I looked up pink and it means "spirituality".
  • I can bend time. It's a yogi magical power call a siddhi. It's my only magical power and happens when I am alone so I can't prove it. That having been said, one time when the kids and I were coming back from Pittsburgh we did it in 4 instead of 6 hours and I didn't drive faster than 75 or 80. Weird.
  • This life I planned for me has been very stereotypical to a certain date which I think is funny. Alcoholic dysfunctional family, put myself through college...only one from family to go to college...married a doctor...lived on a country club...had a white mini-van with 2.5 kids and a golden retriever...divorced...became a yogi...ex has a 22 year old girlfriend.... This CRACKS me up. My non-local witnessing soul has little imagination. (I'm kidding my friend).
  • I garden very haphazardly
  • I write
  • I teach
  • I struggle and suffer just like everyone. This too CRACKS me up!
Namaste to all you cool people. We are all cool.

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